Ministry Formation

Roman Rite

Order of Mass

This document looks in detail at the “Order of Mass” and the some of the possible choices of texts and prayers.” The texts and responses spoken by all the people are indicated in boldtype. Some of the greetings and prayers spoken by the presider at each Mass are also included.
Here is the Order of Mass from beginning to end, with prayers and responses, and with simple rubrics (explicit instructions) in red.” Additional texts that are different at each Mass, such as the three presidential prayers (the Opening Prayer, Prayer over the Gifts, and Prayer after Communion), may be found in the Roman Missal, while the readings used during the “Liturgy of the Word” are in the Lectionary.” This does not contain the full rubrics of the Sacramentary, nor the brief prayers that the priest is supposed to say “inaudibly” (just before and after proclaiming the Gospel, while mixing the water and wine, while washing his fingers, after the Breaking of the Bread, and just before and after receiving communion).

Daily Mass Reading

Order of Mass

The History

Canons Regular Of The New Jerusalem

Other Liturgies

Outside of the celebration of Eucharist there are many official Church liturgical rites: The sacraments are liturgical rites consisting of proclaimed texts, gestures and symbols, and often material things. They are best celebrated within the context of the Mass and the Church gathered, but most may be done outside of Mass, e.g., baptism, marriage, confirmation, penance, and anointing. Other rites and sacramentals include Christian funerals, the various RCIA rites, Sunday celebrations in the absence of a priest, the dedication of a church, the profession of religious vows, and rites of blessing water, palms, ashes, places and people, and more. The common thread in all liturgies is always the proclamation of the Word of God and the intercession of the Church. (See also Sacraments)

Liturgy of the Hours

The Liturgy of the Hours is known as the official prayer of the Church, and is liturgical prayer par excellence. It is the daily prayer of the Church, prayed at certain significant times of the day, according to the liturgical seasons

Sacraments, Rites, and Blessings

Art and Architecture

In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art. Art must make perceptible, and as far as possible attractive, the world of the spirit, of the invisible, of God. It must therefore translate into meaningful terms that, which is in itself ineffable. Art has a unique capacity to take one or other facet of the message and translate it into colors, shapes, and sounds, which nourish the intuition of those who look or listen. It does so without emptying the message itself of its transcendent value and its aura of mystery.
-John Paul II, Letter to Artists, 1999

Frequently Asked Questions


The Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute (LEMI) provides ministry formation to those who hold catechetical or youth ministry leadership positions in the Diocese of Richmond.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass – In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord. (1) When the size of the congregation or the incapacity of the bishop, priest, or deacon requires it, the celebrant may be assisted by other bishops, priests, or deacons. If such ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are not present, “the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose. In case of necessity, the priest may also depute suitable faithful for this single occasion (GIRM 162).”